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Plan Your Financial Success in the New Year

Financial SuccessThe new year is the perfect time to get organized and brainstorm ideas to improve your finances.

Here are some tips to get started:

Set financial goals.

If you’ve never set financial goals, consider establishing some to address specific parts of your finances, such as paying off debt, investing money, or cutting expenses.

Review your income and expenses.

Assess your income for the year, then review your monthly expenses to determine how much money you’ll have left to invest or use for other financial matters. What items can you eliminate from your budget?

Find ways to cut costs.

That could include tracking your spending habits, getting rid of unused subscriptions, reducing your utility use, and refinancing high-interest loans. Check out our Trim Your Budget Coach to get started. 

Pay more than your minimum balance.

Adding even just a little bit of extra money to your monthly payment can help you pay off your debt sooner and pay less overall. Just how much of a difference can it make for you? Use our Debt Payoff Calculator to find out.

Seek help from a professional.

A financial advisor can assess your income, expenses, and assets and help you plan for the future. They can also recommend products and services to help you grow your wealth.

Start investing.

Setting aside funds to accumulate interest can go a long way toward securing your future financial situation. Investing may offer tax benefits, and it's easier than you think. Don't let the unknown keep you from a flourishing future. Connect with our Wealth Management team to get started. 

As your local community bank, we've got your financial needs covered. We can help you create a custom strategy to help you meet your financial goals for 2024. Check out all the available education resources on our Education Center page.

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